Hau'oli Makahiki Hou 2024

Spread Aloha ... Mana'o Company

Paddle Out for Maui :: August 19, 2023

We volunteered with Nā Kama Kai to support Lahaina Strong, as some 10,000+ residents and visitors joined in a mass paddle out across all major islands to share mana with families who lost loved ones and endure the destruction of Lahaina, Maui, on August 8, 2023. Donations to Nā Kama Kai go directly to distressed families.

Traditional pule and Hawaiian observation

Traditional pule (prayer) and Hawaiian observation. Paddle out under iconic Le'ahi (Diamond Head)

Paddle out under iconic Leahi (Diamond Head)

The Way to Respect Starts with Raising Your Voice

Most of us agree that our nation and world are on fire at this time. We might disagree over causes, but few of us are happy with this current level of tension and frustration. Roxanne Jones, writing on CNN today, says her mom always encouraged her to “Use Your Voice.” Roxanne was confronted often by injustice or bullies when growing up. Most of us have similar childhood memories.

Defend Memorial Day
Scott Goold has been raising his voice for more than 1.1 MILLION heroic Veterans, who have been killed serving our nation. A Japanese group sinisterly appears to be taking over the U.S. Memorial Day observation. Shinnyo-en is an honorable group of people. Their program is delightful. Scott supports and applauds their effort. Memorial Day, however, is reserved for the valiant people who gave their life to protect each of us, our freedom and way of life — including groups like Shinnyo-en. Don't we owe them just this one solemn day of remembrance each year?

As a compromise, Scott suggested Shinnyo-en use Sunday, rather than Monday. How about Shinnyo Sunday? Let's call it Memorial Weekend. Honored Veterans on Monday; our loved ones the day before on Sunday. Harmony. Peace. Love and aloha.

Shinnyo-en says no. Their response is not reasonable. Agenda appears to be sinister — looking to drown out the memory of those who sacrified all for all of us. Cruely insensitive, Shinnyo-en takes this action in Hawai'i. Many Veterans resting in the national cemetery at Punchbowl perished to prevent Imperial Japan's aggression. Let's be friends today. Please respect our dead. Honor their sacrifice. どうもありがとうございます

End Medical Cannabis Discrimination
Scott Goold has been raising his voice for some 35,000+ medical patients, including our heroic national Veterans, as well as his family. Scott claims he was wrongfully terminated from employment by Hawaiian Electric (HECO).

To summarize, Scott did an excellent job for some six months. HECO offered him a permanent position. As Scott is disabled and requires medication, he asked HECO HR if there would be any issues. His assigned HR Rep Elizabeth Dear told him he would be fine. HR director Shana Buco knew he was confused and duped him into testing. Company fired Scott two weeks later. Excellent worker lost. Loss to ratepayers and customers in Hawai'i.

SEE Official Complaint and history at: HECOgate.com

What is your opinion? Drop a comment — anonymously or leave your name.

Election 2022 Activity

Scott Goold and Crew sign waving for victorious Adrian Tam
Scott Goold and Crew sign waving for victorious Adrian Tam, state House District 24

UPDATE 7.22.24: State of Hawai'i delayed rollout of Sound Detector Program aimed at reducing loud noises on road. Effort championed by our Rep. Adrian Tam. "We've gotten a lot of calls to our office asking when these noise cameras going to be put up because we consistently hear people revving their engines." DOT claims program delayed because they are unable to secure a supplier. [NOT BELIEVABLE]

Scott Goold has been fighting for Medical Cannabis patients in Hawai'i since 2019. He began his work in 2006 after watching coworker, Alica, die a painful death from cancer. There are currently some 35,000+ legal, registered patients in the state. Thousands more do not enroll officially due to negative stigma, high cost of program enrollment and fear of reprisal by employers.

Medical Cannabis prohibition kills Veterans. Hawaiian Electric fired Scott due to his medication. Scott had asked. HECO told him he would be fine. Generally kind, compassionate Asian women would never treat another woman this way. Unfortunately for Scott, he is not Asian or a woman. [see HECOgate.com]

Anti-White racism is a disease in Hawai'i. The Ruling Class, dominated by Japanese, encourages this discrimination: "I would like to think that we never vote that way (based on ethnicity) in a multiethnic society, but we always do. Japanese support Japanese, haoles support haoles, Chinese support Chinese.”There is a large haole constituency in the state; it’s 30% or so of the electorate. If you look at the five or six people in the race now, there’s not a haole in the race." [Dan Boylan, longtime political analyst and retired University of Hawai'i West Oahu professor]

Working with local officials, Scott Goold helped protect pedestrians
Working with local officials, Scott Goold helped protect pedestrians

After witnessing a female pedestrian injured badly by a motorist in the crowded Ala Moana & Hobron intersection, Scott began a letter writing campaign to change the traffic flow to All-Walk. Seems to be an improvement in safety for pedestrians.

Beware Daniels Hawai'i Tours

Recently had to file a legal complaint with the State of Hawai'i Wage Standard Division against Daniels Hawai'i, International Tours & Vacation Planning LLC, for failing to pay their tour guides fairly. CEO Daniel Hildebrandt (below right) does not compensate employees as required by law. He is cheating the people who work for him. If he cheats his own employees, will Daniel give you fair and safe service? [Download Complaint]

Daniels Hawaii CEO Daniel Hildebrandt Cheats Employees on Pay
Daniels Hawaii CEO Daniel Hildebrandt (right) Cheats Employees on Pay

Comments from Coworkers and Clients

It's no secret now that Hawaiian Electric fired Scott Goold in February 2019 due to his medical cannabis prescription. Scott was a top-rated employee. He had checked CEO Connie Lau's policy; seemed permitted. Scott asked HR rep Elizabeth "Liz" Dear; she told him he would be fine. HR director Shana Buco knew of his reported treatment plan. She entrapped him. HECO attorneys Susan Li and Thao Tran recklessly endangered Scott. Asian women, general kind and compassionate, were not to Scott. HECO has now blackballed Scott in Hawai'i for seeking justice. [see HECOgate.com]

Coworker: You are one of the greatest teammates that I've had the honor to work with. Truly a blessing from God.

Coworker: I'm not sure what happened, not sure if I really want to know, but regarding working with pain, I did suffer from debilitating sciatica for decades in the past, so I know how hard it is to work with pain. Anyway, best of luck to you, hope it all works out for you and Hawaiian Electric.

Coworker: Hi Scott, I personally never saw any evidence of you being impaired. Quite the contrary in fact. I would say sharp, expedient, professional, techical, humble, the whole package really. But I did notice you had a limp, so I suspected you were in pain, but you never mentioned anything, and I never bothered to ask, our conversations were always about getting things done, and you delivered in times when we had to deliver and get things done. Cannabis is a complex issue, often misunderstood, has been known to relieve pain, and when used correctly does not impair.


YOU have been a great asset to our team and it is your personality and humble nature that makes all of us so comfortable working together. We have had contractors on the DBA team before, but never with the synergy and positive energy that you bring with you. I believe you have had the greatest influence in our success and glad that we selected the right contractor. You have definitely made your mark here at Hawaiian Electric and have set the bar very high for future contractors!

Thank you for being you…keep doing what you do…keep that good karma flowing!

Polynesian Cain vs Abel: Native Hawaiians Teach their Keiki to Hate

The Native Hawaiian group, Ka Leo O Na ‘Opio – KONO, instructs their children to hate. They teach a corrupted version of history to divide people in the islands. The misguided Kanaka recruited a 7th grader from Pauoa, O’ahu to post about her experiences on TikTok and other social media.

Read the TRUE history of Native Hawaiians or Kanaka Maoli. See:
Polynesian Cain vs Abel: Native Hawaiians Teach their Keiki to Hate

As described in the Book of Genesis, the oldest two sons of Adam and Eve are Cain and Abel. Cain, firstborn, was a farmer. Brother Abel was a shepherd. Both made sacrifices to God, but God favored Abel's sacrifice over that of Cain. Cain murdered Abel out of jealousy and God punished Cain condemning him to a life of wandering.

King Kamehameha I -- killed his brothers
Kamehameha I - killed his brothers and partnered with devils to conquer the islands

In Hawai'i, the first modern ruler, Kamehameha I, attacked his hanai brother, Kiwalao, against the wishes of the preceding king. Similar to Cain in the Book of Genesis, Kamehameha initiated violence against his brother and shed Polynesian blood over the next 30 years (1780-1810). Kamehameha created "his" kingdom — giving land and privilege to his family. Remaining Kanaka were peasants.

Kamehameha needed modern technology to ravage and conquer other chiefs. The warmongering ruler partnered with the British — the devil — placing personal ambition over the native people and islands. Rather than partnering with outsiders and killing brothers and sisters, a wise leader would have UNITED the various Kanaka communities to KEEP OUT the foreigners.

Telling this truth about the Hawai'i Kingdom upsets some people. They verbally attack, threaten physical harm and refer to the speaker as "haole," which is like using the N-word with Black people.

White people did not steal Hawai'i. America did not steal Hawai'i. The kings and queens invited outsiders to migrate to Hawai'i. The monarchy wanted their expertise and investment. The land, 'aina, is beautiful but needed to be developed to provide cash for the kings and queens. The monarchy partnered with outsiders. They traded land and political power for knowledge.

In 1887, local businesses revolted against the lavish spending of the crown. They demanded constrains on the king's power. King Kalākaua reluctantly agreed. All was well in the kingdom. In 1893, sister Lydia, now on the throne as the kingdom's queen, threatened revolution. Local businesses booted Queen Lili'uokalani from her royal privilege. Created the Republic of Hawai'i. This was a local political upheaval. Local people felt the queen demanded too much power. Please don't blame us today. We had nothing to do with these political events.

Krystal-Anne K Kea wrote, "Ha means life or breath and 'Ole means none. Together it means no breath." Exactly! Calling one haole means the person is "dead" or has no soul or life. Not sure there is a more demeaning or dehumanizing term on the planet. Likely far worse than the N-word to Black people.

Melissa Chandler wrote: I just saw all things you write about Hawaiians and as a Native Hawaiian you need to stop advertising Aloha! You have no understanding of our history! As a Haole that obviously has no respect for Native Hawaiians! But want to use our culture to promote yourself and organization! I will personally bring awareness to all Native Hawaiians on the island about your site! Along with all the negative, untruthful and non aloha statements made by you!

Alika "HawaiianBlanka" Kea wrote: Your article is nothing but a one-sided, bias opinion on how YOU see Hawaiians in their home land, comparing to the Bible as if it's somehow relatable. You mention the events that took place in our history, yet still don't understand how Hawaiians feel towards ignorant Caucasians who stereotype us negatively for 129 years.

You say Hawaiians teach their kids to hate when in fact we SHOULD be angry. You say King Kamehameha was the one who spilt blood as if the colonizers didn’t commit genocide of the Native Hawaiian population with their diseases.

HawaiianBlanka claims the Kanaka have a right to be angry. Why? Kamehameha shed blood; not foreigners. Kamehameha pushed brothers off cliffs; turned cannons on innocent Polynesians; not foreigners. And Hawaiian Ali'i, particularly women, wanted Christianity and westernization as Hawaiian women were raped, sexually assaulted and mistreated by ALL the men in the islands.

Like the world experiences SARS-CoV-2 and the disease COVID19 today, nobody "pushed" this virus or viruses of the past on anyone. Nobody intended genocide. Viruses are spread as humans move from community to community. Hawaiian kings and queens did not "lockdown" their population; didn't restrict travel. Now HawaiianBlanka BLAMES nature and is angry toward White people. How shameful !!!

Tribute to Matthew John Bonney

Matthew John Bonney
March 21, 1954 — February 1, 2018
[Read Life Story]

Focus on Men's Health

The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

June is Mens Health Month
June is Men's Health Month

This month gives healthcare providers, policy makers and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. Response has been overwhelming with thousands of awareness activities in the U.S. and around the globe.

Mindfulness of Others

Sadly from the White House to Main Street, Americans tend to THINK ONLY of ourselves. We are too greedy, selfish and arrogant. This attitude leads to mass shootings, gun violence, homeless on our streets and children without family.

As a result, our behavior leaves us UNHAPPY. We turn to drugs, overeat and abuse substances. In Japan they make an effort to be CONSIDERATE of others. They focus on being kind, compassionate and humble. This makes them HAPPY. Start this New Year being considerate of others. Let's be more Japanese.

Japanese are Mindful of Others

Xtra! Xtra! NCAA March Madness Basketball Memory

Idaho State Slays Giant UCLA in the NCAA Sweet 16

Friends have asked me to repost a personal story about my college basketball team's historic Cinderella victory in our 1976-77 season over defending national champions, UCLA Bruins. This victory is arguably the greatest upset in collegiate basketball history, as the UCLA Bruins under the guidance of Coach John Wooden dominated the game like no other team - winning 10 national titles in only twelve years. It is unlikely any program will ever match their success. [read all about it]

Another shooting and multiple gun deaths!

Guns don't solve problems; people solve problems. Invest in people, not guns! And we must ask why are there fewer mass shootings in countries like Japan, the UK, Australia and Canada? [view video]

Japan has lowest rates of gun violence

Americans are not KIND, COMPASSIONATE or EMPATHETIC people. It seems we are simply too afraid to be humane to each other. We hide behind deception, lies, and half-truths. I believe this is why people carry out such heinous acts across our nation. We are a mean, cruel people — and it's a mean, cruel time in America.

I'm fortunate to spend time training with Japanese athletes and coaches. I respect these people and their culture. They focus on two key attributes in their relations with others: kindness and humility. I wish America could be more like Japan. I wish we could do a better job empathizing and finding commonality with one another. I wish the anger and hatred in this country would end. I wish America could hear me!

America Kicks Off GREEN Gold Rush

Cannabis legalization is sweeping states from Connecticut to New Mexico. The writing is on the wall. Nearly half the country — about 44% of the nation — now lives in a state where cannabis is legal or soon will be legal to consume recreationally.

Martha and Snoop Dogg Enjoy Cannabis
What a pair, right? Shows the beauty of America's Diversity

As with alcohol and tobacco, it's important we speak openly and honestly with our youngsters. These are powerful drugs and can have a negative impact on brain development. We must focus on responsible use.

The national cannabis industry is now valued at more than $18 billion, supporting the equivalent of over 300,000 full-time jobs.

Hawaii’s Greatest QB Cannabis King Colt Brennan and NFL $1,000,000 Challenge

The greatest quarterback in University of Hawai'i history is considered “Cannabis King” Colt Brennan. Tragically, Colt passed away on May 11, 2021. His father reported Colt’s death resulted from a fatal OD related to a pain pill cut with fentanyl, which is a powerful, deadly opioid.

Hawaii's Greatest: Cannabis King Colt Brennan
Hawaii's Greatest: Cannabis King Colt Brennan

In 2019 there were 6,198 drug OD deaths in California, highest in four years. In the Aloha state, drug overdose deaths registered a five-year high of 197. Colton “Colt” J. Brennan was only 37.

Prior to his death, Colt had disclosed he used cannabis before games to ease his anxiety and help him focus.

“This is something that started in junior college. I’d go to my pregame meal, then I’d go to my (hotel) balcony and roll a blunt, and I’d smoke a fat blunt before the game, both in junior college, in NFL and in college. Then I would take a shower, brush my teeth, get clothed up and then get on the bus to the game and I would be in the zone right there."

The NFL now offers $1,000,000 grants to study medical cannabis. [more]

Legal Cannabis Reduces Use by Kids and Teens

Opponents of marijuana reform claimed legal cannabis would give way to an epidemic of young people abusing the plant. FALSE

Recreational cannabis sales became legal in Colorado in 2014. The rate at which Colorado teenagers report smoking pot has declined since the changes, according to SAMHSA data released Monday from its National Survey on Drug Use and Health. (source)

About 11% of people, 12-17, said in the 2014-15 survey they used cannabis in the past month. That number dropped to 9% in 2015-16. The rate this age group used marijuana in the past year fell from 18% in 2014-15 to about 16% percent in 2015-16. Results from Washington state were similar. Oregon and Alaska remained roughly the same.

Legal Cannabis Reduces Opioid Use

The CDC and University of New Mexico School of Medicine trained me to be an "opioid epidemic warrior." Over 500,000 Americans have died from opioid prescription medication and OD. The biggest threat at this time is fentanyl. Illicit labs in Wuhan, China manufacture the dangerous product, ship it to Mexico, where it then crosses our border. #JustSayNo to opioid use.

Scott Goold Opioid Addiction and OD Prevention Certification
Scott Goold Opioid Addiction and OD Prevention Certification

A November 2017 study conducted by researchers at the University of New Mexico, comparing medical cannabis and prescription opioid use among chronic pain patients, found a distinct connection between having the legal ability to use cannabis and significant reductions in opioid use. This is what my preliminary research suggested. (source)

New Mexico is, Dr. Jacob Miguel Vigil, associate professor, Department of Psychology notes, among the U.S. states hardest hit by the current opioid epidemic, although the number of opioid-related overdose deaths appears to have fallen in recent years, perhaps the result of increased enrollment in the NM Medical Cannabis Program, which currently includes more than 48,000 patients.

Cannabis LESS DEADLY Than Alcohol

According to recent findings published in the journal Scientific Reports. Of the seven drugs included in the study, alcohol was the deadliest at an individual level, followed by heroin, cocaine, tobacco, ecstasy, methamphetamines, and marijuana (cannabis). Previous studies consistently ranked marijuana as the safest recreational drug, but it was not known that the discrepancy was this large.

These findings contradict efforts of law enforcement agencies around the country which, despite pockets of decriminalization (and in some cases, legalization), typically focus heavily on marijuana-related arrests. [more]

Potential Environmental Disaster Threatens Kaua'i

The Kaua'i-based research group, InfoImagination, released a policy summary for residents and political leaders on Kaua'i regarding Ulupono: Hawai'i Dairy Farms proposal. The project is opposed by environmental groups, such as Surfrider Foundation Kaua'i Chapter and Carl Berg. Please educate yourself about the potentially disastrous project that threatens streams and ocean waters in this pristine area of the south shore near Mahaulepu: Hawai'i Dairy Farms proposal.

Aloha: Kingdom of Hawaii

Pro Surfers vs. GMO Corporations

Please enjoy this brief slideshow to highlight issues and introduce leaders urging YOU to join the movement to KNOW about GMO food products. Kaua'i recently passed a law that forces GMO companies to disclose what they're spraying and creates buffer zones between testing zones and schools.

Do you consider Kauai's action to be unreasonable? Watch the full video and find out more: SurfingForChange.com

fern pros kauai corn kyle kelly sebastian kanaka dustin andrea

Surf Training Photos Online

Surf Training
Surf Training Workout

Kaua'i Surf Competiton Photos Online

HSF Kaua'i Surf Competiton
Hawai'i Surfing Federation Kaua'i Competiton Photos

There are friends; and there are "HAWAIIAN FRIENDS"

FRIENDS: Never ask for food.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Always bring the food.

FRIENDS: Will say "hello".
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Will give you a big hug and a kiss.

FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad.

FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry.

FRIENDS: Will eat at your dinner table and leave.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Will spend hours talking, laughing, and just being together then help clean-up when all pau!

FRIENDS: Know a few things about you.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes.

FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowd's okoles that left you.

FRIENDS: Would knock on your door.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Walk right in and say, "I'm home!"

FRIENDS: Get mad when you don't stay in contact.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Years could go by and you pick up like it was yesterday.

FRIENDS: Come and go.

FRIENDS: Will ignore this email.
HAWAIIAN FRIENDS: Will forward it to spread "da Pacific Hawaiian kine aloha"!

Shaka Power
~ Courtesy of Alika K Kalauli III

Spread A*L*O*H*A with Peaceful Vibrations

Sashamon sings and plays Want to introduce my friends to Sashamon (Sasha Makia Spiller-Reiff). He originates from Moloka'i and brings a unique peaceful vibe to the island music scene in an IRIE mix of Reggae, Rock and Hawaiian in One Day Maybe, his debut album. Sasha says:

"Everything is energy. Music is energy. Light is energy. I think the best art is like a beacon or a lighthouse that illuminates the truth and the beauty and shines on you to create a light inside of you.

It's like if God is the lighthouse, then music is just a part of that vibration. Music at its best, to me, is the cousin of the Creator. And we are creators, creators of life.

I think music is for praise and the illumination of this. If music helps show the innate godliness of ourselves, it can help us to treat one another more like human beings.

I think ultimately we're just vessels here to help one another out. I don't think we're here to suffer."

Mahalo Nui Loa!

Meaning of A*L*O*H*A

In the Hawaiian language, Aloha can be a salutation or a valediction, but it also refers to a spirit defined in state law as "the coordination of mind and heart within each person." Hawaiian officials are directed to "give consideration to the 'Aloha spirit'" as they discharge their duties.

When we utter the sacred word of Aloha, we invoke the spirit of Aloha. When Aloha is in action, it is felt on all levels and what is contrary cannot exist simultaneously ... It means each person engaged in Aloha is bound to the principles of truth and right action. When Aloha is enacted, our actions are overseen by the Akua, Na Akua, Na 'Aumakua, Na Kupuna. Each participant can act as he or she chooses but is responsible for his or her own actions and intentions regardless.

It would be a mistake, however, to believe that Aloha demands passivity. Aloha is a state of being and therefore requires action and participation. To be true to Aloha, one must stand for truth, defend the principles that protect the rights of all people and the sacred earth, and resist the affronts to Aloha itself. Hawaiian Nation

Absence of A*L*O*H*A

Unjust wars and occupations radicalize people. The American Right wing secretly knows this but likes the vicious circle it produces. Wars make profits for the military-industrial complex and the resulting terrorism terrifies the clueless U.S. public and helps hawks win elections, allowing them to pursue further wars. And so it goes — until the Republic is bankrupted and in ruins and its unemployed have to live in tent cities.

~ Juan Cole